This month marks 24 years with Turf Technologies for our dedicated mower operator, Ross.

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 Back in 2000, Ross moved to Christchurch from Westport, seeking more work opportunities and a fresh start from his previous career in the tyre industry. His journey with us began almost immediately—after applying for the job on a Friday, he was on the job the following Monday! 

Arriving in Christchurch, a city he didn't know, Ross relied on the Wise’s street map to navigate his way as GPS wasn’t a thing back then! Over the years, he's become an expert at operating our walkers, and his passion for the job shines through in every lawn he mows. 
For Ross, the best part of his role is working outdoors, surrounded by nature. "You can’t beat it on a sunny day amongst the trees and the birds," he says. The satisfaction of doing a good job, inspired by the thought of what he would want if he were paying for the service, drives him daily. It’s a role that demands concentration and skill, and Ross has mastered both, ensuring every job is done to the highest standard. 
We’re beyond proud to have Ross as a vital part of our team, and we look forward to many more years of his expertise and enthusiasm! Congratulations Ross, for being our longest standing employee – and an amazing one at that! 

Ross mowing the front of a heritage home

Tell us how we can help

We are the qualified greens keepers and lawn care specialists who have been taking care of Canterbury’s turf since 1993.

You can rely on our knowledge, experience and machinery to ensure your green spaces are always in peak condition.

More than just ‘tidying up the garden’

Our lawn maintenance packages are designed to give you the garden you want without the hassle. Starting from just $99 to cover the basics, tell us a bit about your lawn so we can deliver the right solution.